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Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011


Thanks to Uploader [zeromind, mummyDkill, indofiles]

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

Sebelumnya  Kami Minta Maaf
Sekarang kami Pindah ke

Kalau ada Kesalahan Kami Minta Maaf

By:Aul Espada
-Antokz Bluez

Kami Akan Menyediakan Sofware

DLL Kalau ada Kesalahan Mohon dI Maafkan Sms aja ke


TQ ^_^

Point Hit 1.0(Gravity + Ammo) Just Dll

Dony Rizaldi Teamelite Point X
Antokz Blues

Thanks To:
Point Blank Ocreng (My SUHU)
All Member TeamElite Point X

Fiture N Hotkeys:
[-] Gravity + Ammo : F1 ON | F2 OFF

Senin, 22 Agustus 2011

Unlimited Ammo+Gravity

Thanks To:
All Member Point X (Member Aul Espada Mencari Cinta)

- Unlimited Ammo
- Grafity

- WallHack = Numpad 8/On | Numpad 5/Off
- Unlimited Ammo = klik kiri + kanan (klik bersamaan)
- Grafity = F1/F2

Cara Pakai:
- Buka Cheat
- Buka PB Launcher
- Start PB
- Masukan Password tekan Enter
- Biarkan saja sampai loading PB selesai, dan masukan ID dg password pb kamu baru boleh gerakkan mouse.

- Pada saat Kamu menekan ENTER jangan Menggerakan mouse atau mengklik apapun,
- Wallhack atau Ammo wajib ada, jika salah satu gk ada ulangi buka cheatnya.
-Dony Point X / Me

Dll Gw Protect Jadi Di Anggap Virus TQ (Can't Reshack)
-Biar Ammo Cepet Work Tekan Klick kanan Tahan Dulu lalu Klick Kiri Lihat Peluru ng Di Reload
-Jangan Ke Bnyak'an Pkk Ammo Bisa Menyebabkan Bug Trap Oke

By:Aul Espada

Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011

Cheat Gravitasi

Cheat W|H 22 Agustus 2011

FITUR hotkey:
Buanyak lihat saja di lobi game
insert on insert off


Klik gambar buat download
cara pakai :

  • setelah download file cheatnya lalu di extract

  • buka injektor masukan paswor di dalam rar

  • injektor muncul di desktop buka pb lalu star pb

  • muncul notice klik enter/ok

  • beres cheat sudah terpasang

    cara pakai di room :
    on kan cheat setelah game di mulai untuk bug hanya di crakdown untuk yang lain bisa di onkan cuman jangan semua di onkan pasti dc oiya ingat jangan terlalu nampak make cheatnya supaya ga di kick dari room

  • silahkan di coba jika ada kendala dalam penggunaan cheat silahkan komen di posting ataupun di buku tamu SemogaCheat Point Blank kali ini dapat membantu agan! 

  • Resident evil 4 ultimate item modifier

    Resident Evil 4 Ultimate Item Modifier
    Change History:
    - Now it recognizes the process file name ("game.exe") instead of the title ("resident evil 4").
    - Fixed the scrollbar bug.
    - Fixed the progress bar bug.

    1. It recognizes the title of the game that is running. Make sure you input a right title before starting the trainer.
    2. For different versions of RE4, there might be different pointer addresses. The default one is for the EUR Multi5 Version 1.1.0.
    1. It modifies any items in RE4, including weapons, ammo, healing items, files, treasures, key items and even maps.
    2. You can add inventory with this trainer.

    You are welcome to report any bugs and give suggestions.

    The trainer author, expressly disclaims any warranty, expressed or implied, and accepts no responsibility for the quality or reliability of the trainer offered. The author should accept no responsibility for any damages to you, your computer, or any other property, person, or corporation which results, directly or indirectly, from the downloading of, installation of, compilation of, and use of the trainer.

    Here I will show you how to add items to your inventory.

    Let's say now we need a handcannon in the beginning of the game.

    It is the initial inventory:
    And the trainer will show the list of the items you have:
    Just add a hand grenade like this:

    Then you see, your grenade is there!

    Put the grenade in the item box (make sure there is some space around it), and then change this grenade to handcannon, with upgrading as well:

    Now that's our weapon! (Update: I incorrrectly typed "3" for the reload speed...It should be "2"! Actually we can never have a reload speed of 0.03 )
    Moreover, we can also add key items,files and treasures. (Updated: It seems that the "firepower" determines the order of files):

    we can also use handgun w/silencer:
    you will see handgun w/silencer invisible in your inventory:
    I put the item list here to help you search more quickly:
    000 - Magnum Ammo
    001 - Hand Grenade
    002 - Incendiary Grenade
    003 - Matilda
    004 - Handgun Ammo
    005 - First Aid Spray
    006 - Green Herb
    007 - Rifle Ammo
    008 - Chicken Egg
    009 - Brown Chicken Egg
    010 - Gold Chicken Egg
    011 - aaa
    012 - Plaga Sample
    013 - Krauser's Knife
    014 - Flash Grenade
    015 - Salazar Family Insignia
    016 - Bowgun
    017 - Bowgun Bolts
    018 - Green Herb x2
    019 - Green Herb x3
    020 - Mixed Herbs (G+R)
    021 - Mixed Herbs (G+R+Y)
    022 - Mixed Herbs (G+Y)
    023 - Rocket Launcher (Special)
    024 - Shotgun Shells
    025 - Red Herb
    026 - Handcannon Ammo
    027 - Hourglass w/ gold decor
    028 - Yellow Herb
    029 - Stone Tablet
    030 - Lion Ornament
    031 - Goat Ornament
    032 - TMP Ammo
    033 - Punisher
    034 - Punisher w/ Silencer
    035 - Handgun
    036 - Handgun w/ Silencer
    037 - Red9
    038 - Red9 w/ Stock
    039 - Blacktail
    040 - Blacktail w/ Silencer
    041 - Broken Butterfly
    042 - Killer7
    043 - Killer7 w/ Silencer
    044 - Shotgun
    045 - Striker
    046 - Rifle
    047 - Rifle (semi-auto)
    048 - TMP
    049 - Activation Key (blue)
    050 - Tmp W/ Stock
    051 - Activation Key (red)
    052 - Chicago Typewriter
    053 - Rocket Launcher
    054 - Mine Thrower
    055 - Handcannon
    056 - Combat Knife
    057 - Serpent Ornament
    058 - Moonstone (Right Half)
    059 - Insignia Key
    060 - Round Insignia
    061 - False Eye
    062 - Custom TMP
    063 - Silencer (Handgun)
    064 - Punisher
    065 - P.R.L. 412
    066 - Stock (Red9)
    067 - Stock (TMP)
    068 - Scope (Rifle)
    069 - Scope (semi-auto rifle)
    070 - Mine-Darts
    071 - Shotgun
    072 - Capture Luis Sera
    073 - Target Practice
    074 - Luis' Memo
    075 - Castellan Memo
    076 - Female Intruder
    077 - Butler's Memo
    078 - Sample Retrieved
    079 - Ritual Preparation
    080 - Luis' Memo 2
    081 - Rifle (semi-auto) w/ Infrared Scope
    082 - Krauser's Bow
    083 - Chicago Typewriter
    084 - Treasure Map (Castle)
    085 - Treasure Map (Island)
    086 - Velvet Blue
    087 - Spinel
    088 - Pearl Pendant
    089 - Brass Pocket Watch
    090 - Elegant Headdress
    091 - Antique Pipe
    092 - Gold Bangle w/ Pearls
    093 - Amber Ring
    094 - Beerstein
    095 - Green Catseye
    096 - Red Catseye
    097 - Yellow Catseye
    098 - Beerstein w/ (G)
    099 - Beerstein w/ ®
    100 - Beerstein w/ (Y)
    101 - Beerstein w/ (G,R)
    102 - Beerstein w/ (G,Y)
    103 - Beerstein w/ (R,Y)
    104 - Beerstein w/ (G,R,Y)
    105 - Moonstone (Left Half)
    106 - Chicago Typewriter Ammo
    107 - Rifle + Scope
    108 - Rifle (semi-auto) w/ Scope
    109 - Infinite Launcher
    110 - King's Grail
    111 - Queen's Grail
    112 - Staff Of Royalty
    113 - Gold Bars
    114 - Arrows
    115 - Bonus Time
    116 - Emergency Lock Card Key
    117 - Bonus Points
    118 - Green Catseye
    119 - Ruby
    120 - Treasure Box (S)
    121 - Treasure Box (L)
    122 - Blue Moonstone
    123 - Key to the Mine
    124 - Attache Case S
    125 - Attache Case M
    126 - Attache Case L
    127 - Attache Case XL
    128 - Golden Sword
    129 - Iron Key
    130 - Stone of Sacrifice
    131 - Storage Room Card Key
    132 - Freezer Card Key
    133 - Piece of the Holy Beast, Panther
    134 - Piece of the Holy Beast, Serpent
    135 - Piece of the Holy Beast, Eagle
    136 - Jet-ski Key
    137 - Dirty Pearl Pendant
    138 - Dirty Brass Pocket Watch
    139 - Old Key
    140 - Camp Key
    141 - Dynamite
    142 - Lift Activation Key
    143 - Gold Bangle
    144 - Elegant Perfume Bottle
    145 - Mirror w/ Pearls & Rubies
    146 - Waste Disposal Card Key
    147 - Elegant Chessboard
    148 - Riot Gun
    149 - Black Bass
    150 - Hourglass w/ gold decor
    151 - Black Bass (L)
    152 - Illuminados Pendant
    153 - Rifle w/ Infrared Scope
    154 - Crown
    155 - Crown Jewel
    156 - Royal Insignia
    157 - Crown with Jewels
    158 - Crown with an insignia
    159 - Salazar Family Crown
    160 - Rifle Ammo (Infrared)
    161 - Emerald
    162 - Bottle Caps
    163 - Gallery Key
    164 - Emblem (Right half)
    165 - Emblem (Left half)
    166 - Hexagonal Emblem
    167 - Castle Gate Key
    168 - Mixed Herbs (R+Y)
    169 - Treasure Map (Village)
    170 - Scope (Mine Thrower)
    171 - Mine Thrower + Scope
    172 - Playing Manual 1
    173 - Info on Ashley
    174 - Playing Manual 2
    175 - Alert Order
    176 - About the Blue Medallions
    177 - Chief's Note
    178 - Closure of the Church
    179 - Anonymous Letter
    180 - Playing Manual 3
    181 - Sera and the 3rd Party
    182 - Two Routes
    183 - Village's Last Defense
    184 - Butterfly Lamp
    185 - Green Eye
    186 - Red Eye
    187 - Blue Eye
    188 - Butterfly Lamp w/ (G)
    189 - Butterfly Lamp w/ ®
    190 - Butterfly Lamp w/ (
    191 - Butterfly Lamp w/ (G,R)
    192 - Butterfly Lamp w/ (G,
    193 - Butterfly Lamp w/ (R,
    194 - Butterfly Lamp w/ (R,G,
    195 - Prison Key
    196 - Platinum Sword
    197 - Infrared Scope
    198 - Elegant Mask
    199 - Green Gem
    200 - Red Gem
    201 - Purple Gem
    202 - Elegant Mask w/ (G)
    203 - Elegant Mask w/ ®
    204 - Elegant Mask w/ (P)
    205 - Elegant Mask w/ (G,R)
    206 - Elegant Mask w/ (G,P)
    207 - Elegant Mask w/ (R,P)
    208 - Elegant Mask w/ (R,G,P)
    209 - Golden Lynx
    210 - Green Stone of Judgement
    211 - Red Stone of Faith
    212 - Blue Stone of Treason
    213 - Golden Lynx w/ (G)
    214 - Golden Lynx w/ ®
    215 - Golden Lynx w/ (
    216 - Golden Lynx w/ (G,R)
    217 - Golden Lynx w/ (G,
    218 - Golden Lynx w/ (R,
    219 - Golden Lynx w/ (G,R,
    220 - Leon w/ rocket launcher
    221 - Leon w/ shotgun
    222 - Leon w/ handgun
    223 - Ashley Graham
    224 - Luis Sera
    225 - Don Jose
    226 - Don Diego
    227 - Don Esteban
    228 - Don Manuel
    229 - Dr. Salvador
    230 - Merchant
    231 - Zealot w/ scythe
    232 - Zealot w/ shield
    233 - Zealot w/ bowgun
    234 - Leader zealot
    235 - Soldier w/ dynamite
    236 - Soldier w/ stun-rod
    237 - Soldier w/ hammer
    238 - Isabel
    239 - Maria
    240 - Ada Wong
    241 - Bella Sisters
    242 - Don Pedro
    243 - J.J.
    244 - Letter from Ada
    245 - Luis' Memo 3
    246 - Paper Airplane
    247 - Our Plan
    248 - Luis' Memo 4
    249 - Krauser's Note
    250 - Luis' Memo 5
    251 - Our Mission
    252 - aaa
    253 - aaa
    254 - Tactical Vest
    255 - aaa
    256 - Punisher
    257 - Handgun
    258 - Shotgun
    259 - Mine Thrower
    260 - Handcannon
    261 - Mine Thrower + Scope
    262 - Mission Directives 1
    263 - Mission Directives 2
    264 - Mission Directives 3
    265 - Mission Directives 4
    266 - Mission Directives 5
    267 - Mission 1 Treasure Map
    268 - Mission 2 Treasure Map
    269 - Mission 3 Treasure Map
    270 - Mission 4 Treasure Map
    271 - Mission 5 Treasure Map

    Youtube Videos:
    Resident Evil 4 PC - Handgun w/ Silencer in the Main Game

    download trainer v1.1

    you need net frame work 4.0:
    download frame work 4.0

    Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011

    WH+Ammo+Grafity AulEspada

    - WallHack

    - Unlimited Ammo
    - Grafity

    - WallHack = Numpad 8/On | Numpad 5/Off
    - Unlimited Ammo = klik kiri + kanan (klik bersamaan)
    - Grafity = F1/F2

    Cara Pakai:
    - Buka Cheat
    - Buka PB Launcher
    - Start PB
    - Masukan Password tekan Enter
    - Biarkan saja sampai loading PB selesai, dan masukan ID dg password pb kamu baru boleh gerakkan mouse.

    - Pada saat Kamu menekan ENTER jangan Menggerakan mouse atau mengklik apapun,
    - Wallhack atau Ammo wajib ada, jika salah satu gk ada ulangi buka cheatnya.

    - Antokz Bluez
    - AulEspada Posted in:CyberMezzo

    WH 20 Agustus 2011

    - WallHack

    - WallHack = Numpad 8/On | Numpad 5/Off

    Cara Pakai:
    - Buka Cheat
    - Buka PB Launcher
    - Start PB
    - Masukan Password tekan Enter
    - Biarkan saja sampai loading PB selesai, dan masukan ID dg password pb kamu baru boleh gerakkan mouse.

    - Pada saat Kamu menekan ENTER jangan Menggerakan mouse atau mengklik apapun

    Password: maincit.blogspot.com

    - Zey_anToK
    -Aul Espada

    Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

    New Cheat Recruit Admin Ninja Saga With Charles

    Tools yang di perlukan:
    1. Charles :   Download
    2. Google Chrome/Firefox
    3. Kepintaran


       1. Buka charles
       2. Masuk ke Ninja saga
       3. Pergi ke tempat Recruit Friend
       4. Kembali ke charles lagi, lalu breakpoint "app.ninjasaga.com -> amf"
       5. Klik teman kamu siapa saja lalu recruit
       6. Maka game akan freeze dan pop up breakpoint charles akan keluar
       7. Lalu ganti ID teman kita menjadi ID admin ninja saga ( ID char admin NS ada dibawah )
       8. Lalu klik execute,
       9. Lalu lepas breakpoint.
      10. Mainkan sebuah mission atau melawan boss, maka yang kamu recruit adalah admin ninja saga

    Berikut ini ID Char admin NS :
    1. Nama : Kage
       ID : 104
    2. Nama : Kage
       ID : 114
    3  Nama : Zerra
       ID : 12071
    4. Nama : lohas   
       ID : 20483
    5. Nama : WuuFuuKuuTuu
       ID : 30417
    6. Nama : skywalker
       ID : 5

    NB :
    -Jika Kalian ingin melawan boss atau melawan musuh musuh yang kuat. Anda bisa merecruit Char Admin Ninja Saga yg Bernama Zerra . Char Zerra ini memiliki weapon Red card yang anehnya efeknya 100%, berguna untuk melawan musuh yang kuat.
    By:Aul Espada
    Selamat Menuaikan Ibadah Puasa Bagi Yg melaksanakannYa a ^_^

    Ammo + Fly + Face Direction 16 Agustus 2011

    - Ammo (Peluru)
    - Fly (Terbang)
    - Face Direction (Musuh menghadap kesamping)

    - Ammo = Click kiri + Click Kanan (Klik secara bersamaan)
    - Fly = Insert/On | Delete/Off
    - Face Direction = F1/On | F2/Off

    Cara Pakai:
    - Buka Cheat
    - Buka PB Launcher
    - Start PB
    - Masukan password
    - Tekan ENTER untuk menghilangkan notice
    - Biarkan saja sampai loading PB selesai, dan masukan ID dg password pb kamu baru boleh gerakkan mouse.

    - Pada saat Kamu menekan ENTER jangan Menggerakan mouse atau mengklik apapun,
    - Kalau ada notice error tekan OK, lalu ulangi buka Cheatnya
    - Kalau ammonya gk work, Gunakan Q-Q untuk ganti senjata

    PasangIklanoketrik PasangIklanoketrik PasangIklanoketrik PasangIklanoketrik PasangIklanoketrik PasangIklanoketrik


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